The average human attention span is anything between 8 seconds (really!) and 20 minutes. While 8 seconds is an attention span only slightly longer than that of a goldfish, and 20 minutes reflects the concentration span of those who use their sustained focus more regularly (think brain surgeons and Buddhist monks), all of us can learn to control our thoughts more effectively, no matter the base level attention span we currently have.
Control your brain to control your mind
Let’s make one thing clear, the statement above is not an error of equivocation. We are not suggesting that the brain is the mind.
The mind is an amorphous entity “larger” (metaphysically speaking) than the brain. The brain, however, is the vehicle through which we operate and understand the mind. A thought is more than neurons and brain chemicals, in the same way, that “the whole” is understood to be more than the sum of its parts, or an orange is more than cells, segments, skin, and orange juice. But the parts make up a significant enough portion of the whole, that by duplicating the latticework of all the parts consistently enough, you can formulate an adequate reproduction of that whole. On a more quantum level, manipulating neurons, neural networks, brainwaves, and brain chemicals can change the operation of the brain to the level where we can alter our thoughts and control the mind.
If the task you’ve set yourself is to take control of your mind and you can’t spend years in a monastery in order to reach your goal, there are methods bequeathed to us by recent expansions of our understanding of neuroscience and neuroplasticity. What we have discovered is that we can reroute and make new neural pathways and re-train old pathways that have been damaged or atrophied. Also, using particular neural networks repeatedly makes us use them faster.
What you think, you become. Whether it’s becoming more punctual, stopping that bad habit of procrastinating, or faring better at your job, you can improve bits of your life and inner psychology at a time. The process of improvement in the area you wish to progress is a journey, but having the right tools and help, will get you there.
To start, you have to:
1. Identify the area that needs improvement
2. Find the strategy that will get the results you want
3. Work the strategy thereby focusing on improving whatever “it” is.
We can’t help you with Number 1, but Number 2 and 3 have tools and training programs that will make the process of learning to control your “mind” easier.
Strategy and Focus
The strategy offered by Synctuition is simple:
We provide a set of tools in the form of binaural audio tracks aimed at creating the right neural environment to improve your focus.
Synctuition’s customized audio tracks are designed to improve your focus and will quickly begin helping you extend your attention span. Being able to extend your focus then accomplishes the next step – controlling the sustained focus like a well-exercised muscle. The stronger the muscle, the easier it is to control and make it perform the desired functions. Manipulating your brainwaves via binaural sound will exercise the optimal neural networks for focus, enabling you to have a better level of control over your intuition, focus, and thoughts, and therefore your mind.
The brain is a muscle
According to our current understanding of the brain, in principle thought is controlled by the “muscle” of the brain. Thoughts give rise to the bigger quantum concept of mind. The brain is the physical locus of neurons, neural networks, and neurotransmitters that give rise to mood, emotions, and thought, and it is the vehicle via which we access the mind.
With practice and regular use of Synctuition’s binaural audio programs, you will begin to focus on a specific issue longer, giving it your undivided attention, which is the key to controlling your thoughts without them wandering off. Brainwaves and thoughts are the main components of this entity we call the mind. Control your thoughts, control your mind.