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Everything happens for a reason or all things fall into place. You may have heard one of these sayings. Indeed, many of us believe that everything in this world has an intrinsic nature that is not so obvious to us. We take comfort by attributing meaning to these events that happen without any conceivable reason. Even if you think this is impossible, you can also agree that, in this journey of life, we often come across people, events, or resources that change us. All at the right time, in the right place. Today, we would like to introduce one of the wonderful people who found Synctuition at the right time. Discover Giia Wiegel’s story! 

Giia shares her story with us from a “sleepy ancient town” in Puglia, Southern Italy — a serene place, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Her traveler spirit has led her to bigger places such as London, Edinburgh, Playa del Carmen, and Naples. And yet, even in the busiest of places, she has been able to find inner calm, experiencing these amazing surroundings as they breathe and fill the space for themselves. 

Now, as covid-19 has changed the way we interact with the outside world and with each other, Giia has stopped traveling. In her current home in Puglia, she keeps stress and anxiety at bay by following a health regime consisting of ice-baths, breathing exercises, walking, and deep relaxation with Synctuition. 

Our paths crossed almost by accident. As Giia was surfing on the internet looking for a relaxation app, the name “Synctuition” sparked her curiosity. And the rest is history. . . Ever since December, Giia has been listening to our sound journeys and a few things have changed. “I have no intention of stopping any time spoon,” she says. 

Falling asleep easily and waking up refreshed

So what has changed? What difference did deep relaxation make? For Giia, it was sleep. Like millions of people across the world, she has struggled with sleep for the better part of her life. Falling asleep and staying asleep was difficult. Then, as she discovered the sound journeys and started listening to the natural sounds and binaural frequencies, something extraordinary happened: Giia’s sleep quality increased in such a way that it felt almost magical. “I listen to Synctuition. I fall asleep, I sleep, and I wake up refreshed. This is like a gift from gods.”

Was this meant to be? Was it a predestined encounter? Even the most skeptical of us cannot deny that, sometimes, we discover the right piece that was missing in the big puzzle of life. In Giia’s case, she found in our program a helpful aid to significantly boost sleep – one of the pillars of optimal health. 

Of course, consistency is key – it is what makes this story so remarkable. Giia has managed to incorporate Synctuition into her daily routine. “I find myself some days listening to one track after the early morning breathing exercises, with eyes closed and drifting in mindscape, and the next, or even two next ones, sitting at my computer, working on new emails or projects, getting ready for the day.” The journeys give her a much-needed center even when they are playing in the background. “I am especially fond of My Friend,” she says. “The purring and meowing bring smiles, while the giggles at the end have me laughing out loud. It is absolutely spellbinding and incredibly soothing!”

Related: Too Worried To Sleep? Easing Anxiety-induced Insomnia

Sharing a transformative experience 

We live in a very noisy world. And sometimes, great programs go unnoticed. However, during her many travels, Giia has taken the time to share her transformative experience with the world. So what does she say to somebody who knows nothing about our program? “If you are interested in finding a miracle spa for your brain, try Synctuition.”

What about you? Do you have an incredible experience with meditation, mindfulness, or self-care you would like to share with the world? Would you like to tell us how Synctuition has made a positive difference in your life? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Our team is looking for inspiring and positive stories to share on our Superstories blogs. Simply email a brief bio and a summary of your story to [email protected].